
On Being Prolific

Mar 18, 2010 Leave a Comment

Recently, one of my favorite bloggers, Sam from Off Black, passed this award on to me.  For those of you who are like me and have an idea of what the word 'prolific' means but don't go around using it in everyday chit-chat, it is synonymous with words like fruitful, abundant, and productive.

I suppose my blog has been fairly productive as of late.  I try to post at least a couple times a week.  However, I would like it to be a little more fruitful in the sense that I write about things that would be of interest to many people.

It's kind of like this: At my parents' house in Michigan, we have two apple trees.  Neither of them are very big despite being nearly 20 years old, and the bigger one leans significantly to the right.  For many years, hardly any apples would grow on either one, and if they did, they would not be edible.  Then one year my dad got it into his head that maybe we should fertilize the heck out of them.  So now we get the fertilizer spray guys to come over once or twice a year, and in the fall we get LOTS of apples.  My mom thinks they might number in the thousands.  Everyone in the neighborhood and all our relatives get several grocery bags full, and there are always still plenty left over to last us beyond Christmas time.  The apples are still very small and not great for eating just plain.  But they are fantastic for apple sauce, apple pie, apple crisp... pretty much any apple recipe you can think of.

So that's an idea of what I think a good blog (or any good writing) is, and what I strive to do with my writing.  It doesn't need to be perfect, because like with the apples, there is beauty in the imperfections.  It just needs a little fertilizer to get it going and some creativity to make it into something even more special.

I believe I am supposed to pass this award onto someone else, and there is one person who I think epitomizes the idea of prolific blogger for me.  And that person is the Barista from Your Barista Revealed.  She is prolific in the sense that she writes a lot, but also in that what she writes is always good and interesting.  It's like a good book that you can't put down.  It's prolific.

Lackadaisical Tree

And you know what, now that I think about it, I'd also like to give this award to Jen from Sprite's Keeper because she does an awesome job hosting the spin cycle every week. That's a lot more commitment than I could ever have.


  • Ann Marie said:  

    What a great award!
    I think being "prolific" is grand!

    I know what you mean about your blog.. but really.. the connections ( the people that find you sooner or later and love to read you ) are so worth it!

    I have friends from Norway and Germany that are so very dear to me.. and I would have never met them if it wasn't for my silly blog.

    I know I am not a great writer. In fact.. my sisters and Mom will call me and correct my terrible grammer and such.. but it's me. My thoughts.. opinions and likes.

    I think you have a very unique blog.. and that's why I come here. ( well.. and to see if you really are a Russian spy.. )lol!!

  • Sprite's Keeper said:  

    Thanks! It does take time on the Spin Cycle but I love it.
    As for blogging, I'm still of the theory that your voice, not your subject, are what make people come back.
    I like your voice.
    You're linked!

  • Chloe said:  

    CONGRATS!! That's a great Award!!
    Being prolific is not an easy task!
    But you keep writing every week, with genuine posts. I love them. I love your style.
    You really deserve this award. :)

  • Stacy Uncorked said:  

    Love the story of your apple trees and your comparison to blogging. Perfect! Or would that be 'prolific'? ;) I agree with Jen - your voice is what brings people and I like your voice, too! :)

    Congrats on the award! :)

  • Carma Sez said:  

    Lots of prolific pontification here today!! Congrats on your award. BTW (in reference to my blog because it's naturally all about me ;-) I could definitely see Sarah Silverman playing you!! The sad part about the school thing is that my son is in Middle School. The age to be a thug just keeps getting younger and younger....

    Have an awesome weekend.

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